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Producing Your College Story

One of your production activities will be to produce a 5-7 minute audio story detailing some part of your college experience.


To prepare for producing your stories, we ask that you do a few things.


  1. Listen to several stories from Minnesota Public Radio's Best Youth Radio website.  The topics of these stories differ from yours, but you will craft stories much like these.  

  2. Read this essay about the power of stories

  3. View a few visual representations of stories

  4. View website for The Moth and select a few stories that seem of interest.  (The Moth is an organization that promotes storytelling)

  5. Read these articles about how to craft stories.

    1. Six Rules for Great Storytelling from a Moth Storyteller.

    2. Storytelling Tips and Tricks from the Moth

    3. How to Tell a Story the Right Way

    4. The Craft of Storytelling (this is actually a video from a producer at This American Life)

My College Story: Services
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